Hi, it’s me bstha 🌎🙋‍♂️

Message from me:
Everyone needs to have a portfolio website rather than a social media profiles, where the big tech gaints have control over you. Having social media is cool, but what we are losing is creativity.

my secret
    you don't wanna know
    are you sure?
    get ready
    lol 😂



    Session ID

  • Build a portfolio website
  • Own a pixel phone
  • Flash a de-googled custom rom
  • Gradually shift from Windows to Linux
  • Build a Custom PC on my own
  • Build a Home Server on budget
  • Own a Sony Mirrorless DSLR camera
  • Learn drawing and painting
  • Learn swimming
  • Travel, Trek, Hike
  • Teach people about digital privacy, open-source softwares, how to browse internet without creepy tracking

Visit my Telegram channel