
Rules to consider: #

  1. More priority will be given to the blogs related to technology, review of tech hardware and software, digital privacy, software development, etc.
  2. Define your blog title as, Blog on “your blog title goes here”.
  3. Attach the necessary files, like the blog itself and photos (if any).
  4. Blog must be written in markdown format.

Markdown? What’s that? #

  • Markdown is a lightweight markup language that you can use to add formatting elements to plaintext text documents. Details here.
  • Markdown file has .md extension.
  • Why Markdown?, because it’s portable, platform independent, can be used to write blog like this one.

Where can I write then? #

  • Best way to get started is to use online markdown editors like Dillinger and StackEdit.
  • You can also use makereadme and readme.so but these are specifically designed to create README.md file for github.
  • If you don’t want to use online editor then you can use various applications, details here.